ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0015.13-1 | How does paediatric endocrinology and diabetes fit in the global initiatives? | ESPEYB15

13.1 Supporting Global Health at the Pediatric Department Level: Why and How

MB Pitt , MA Moore , CC John , M Batra , SM Butteris , GE Airewele , PS Suchdev , MC Steinhoff , on behalf of the American Board of Pediatrics Global Health Task Force

To read the full abstract: Pediatrics 2017; 139(6)This article provides guidelines for leaders in academic institutions in high-income countries who wish to develop a global health stream in their department. We should not forget that over the last 25 years, major changes in our world have decreased the distances between nations. Pediatric residents who train in high income countries are increas...